Wow, it's been a while. A plan to take a few days off quickly turned into a week. How does time go by so fast?

I just flew back last night from my 12 day trip to Calgary. I hadn't been back to Canada in over a year due to my complicated pregnancy, and I must admit it felt so good.

While I was there, I was a bridesmaid in a highschool friends wedding. What a blast. I also helped her with the decorations, I'll show you bits and pieces of that later this week!

Also, I am excited to show you the pictures from my condo photo shoot with Jylare.
I received them this week and couldn't be happier.

Since our big move to Boise Idaho is only a few weeks away, I am thrilled to have these pictures of my condo. I'm sure one day I'll look back on these and miss the good 'ol days of medical school.

A big thanks to Jylare Smith Photography for her amazing work behind the place never looked so good.

Oh, and did I mention that I sold this little place?
Feel free to call me a realtor...


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