It's amazing to me how quickly stress can creep up on you.
One day I feel in total control, and the next day I am ready to burst from stress.
How is that possible?

I know everyone always says to enjoy the moment, but to be honest, it is really hard.

Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with my life but sometimes a little vent is necessary right?
As we are about to pack up our house and move our family twice in one year, I can't help but wonder what the next few years has in store for us.
My first thought...I am scared! 
I am up for the adventure of moving, meeting new friends, and discovering new cities, but I am terrified for Residency.

Medical school has been exciting, hard, stressful, overwhelming, and yet enjoyable. What will Residency bring? One thing I know for sure...long hours. The thought of my husband being gone 80 hours a week makes me cringe. Night shifts, on-call, no weekends off, endless loans, and low pay...are we really going to do this for the next 6 years? I know, it will be worth it in the end right? I repeat those words to myself daily.

And just think, one day I may be able to buy a piece of furniture that is not second hand or lovely would that be.

In the meantime, I will drown my stress in pictures of beautiful interiors.
Sounds like the responsible thing to do right?

I already feel a little better.

Let's hear it, are you stressed too? What is stressing you out and how do you manage it?
C'mon, don't be shy, misery loves company right?


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